Back at the beginning of August, I posted about Shutt’s new to me Performance Jersey and available from Shutt here:
I’ve worn it a lot since then and it’s fair to say it’s my new favourite jersey. I like the weight of the fabric, the full zip, the quality of it but most of all – I love the way it looks. If fact if you follow my Facebook page (please do if you don’t already: you’ll see it’s in my cover photo.
The Shutt race team design goes perfectly in many situations, it matches your shorts, bib tights, arm warmers, leg warmers, probably your bike too. It certainly matches my Stoemper well. To me this is team kit for people who don’t like team kit – if that makes sense. It’s team kit that from a style point of view looks classy and it’s hard to get wrong when putting your “outfit” together. It’s jersey that I just feel good in every time I ride with it.
The only two downsides, I’d spotted were a) that I only had one of these jerseys, so it was in the washing machine a lot and b) it’s getting colder, so I’m now generally looking to wear quite a bit more than just a short sleeve summer jersey and it’s not quite the same feeling when it’s covered up by a gilet or a softshell jacket!
For me – the solution appears to be at hand as I know have in my possession a new race jersey from the good people at Shutt – the ShuttVR Race Jersey LS (
Now here’s the thing – this particular jersey isn’t simply the long sleeved version of my other jersey, it’s a Merino Perform garment – so it should work well in the spring and autumn in particular (or in a British summer perhaps!). It’s the same great styling and it looks really good in the “flesh”. Again it’s a race cut, so the fit on me in a medium is snug including the sleeves. The Merino fabric looks and feels great to the touch and the long sleeves should help on cooler days. The white panels are a thicker, slightly fleecier lycra to match the black merino in weight/feel but to also enable the high quality logos etc.
My first impressions of my previous Shutt Performance jersey were high and that garment exceeded my expectations. This new jersey gives an even stronger first impression thanks to the look and feel of the Merino Perform. If it lives up to this, I expect to be very happy indeed and to be wearing it as often as I can.
I’ll report back as soon as I’ve got some more riding in (and I’ll get some real life pictures up too).
Thanks for reading…